
New Year Resolutions

The beginning of another year has arrived – Happy 2016! As usual, the “New Year, New You” marketing campaigns are out in full force, a slogan that we ourselves have used many times before. Some may view New Year's Resolutions cynically, but I personally find them to be quite useful.

While it’s true that goals should be set throughout the year and not just at the start, there’s something refreshing about the start of a new year. It’s a time to set new standards and hold ourselves accountable to them. After the festive period of overindulging in food and drink, the New Year comes at a perfect time to recalibrate our efforts and ensure they align with our life intentions.

In the fitness industry, it’s common for many New Year's Resolutions to quickly fade into dormant gym memberships. However, I’ve seen many resolutions turn into positive and permanent lifestyle changes. So, I encourage all of our clients to set, commit, and take action towards their New Year's Resolutions to move closer to a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling lifestyle.

As for myself, I’ll be focusing harder on my own training which has been rather aimless in the last six months. I plan to invest in my own development through marketing, training, and nutrition education as well as public speaking courses. I also intend to dedicate more quality time to my personal relationships.

It’s essential to move forward in business by achieving better results for more clients. Personal training in Letchworth has become increasingly popular over the years, and we want to make sure our clients get the best possible results. However, it’s equally important to prioritise our personal lives and relationships.

So, let's use this opportunity to make positive changes and embrace the new year with open arms. As your personal trainers in Letchworth, we are here to support and guide you towards a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling lifestyle.