
Variation in Training

Are you one of the many people who experience hitting a wall in your gym progress after about three weeks of consistent training? Does it feel like no matter how hard you push, you just can't seem to achieve the results you want? If so, you're not alone. Many people find themselves in this situation and it can be incredibly demotivating.

The main reason for this plateau in progress is often due to a lack of variety in your training routine. It's easy to fall into the trap of doing the same exercises over and over again, such as running for the same amount of time on the treadmill at the same intensity, or lifting the same weight for the same number of reps repeatedly. While this may have worked initially, your body eventually adapts to the stress you're putting it under and you stop seeing the same results.

That's where variety comes in. Changing up your routine is vital when you're trying to push your body further. This doesn't necessarily mean lifting heavier weights or running for longer periods of time. Instead, try dropping the reps and increasing the weight, doing negative reps, or incorporating interval training where you sprint on the treadmill for 20 seconds and then rest for 20 seconds. You can also adjust the incline or speed on the treadmill to add variety to your cardio routine.

Let's take weight lifting as an example. If you're used to doing 3 sets of 12 reps for 4 exercises on each muscle group, such as back and biceps, chest and triceps, legs and shoulders, and you have a cycle of training every week, you need to keep your body guessing by changing the exercises you're doing for each muscle group. Instead of doing the same exercises each week, try focusing on compound movements or reducing your rest time.

The basic science behind this is that when you're at the gym, you're making your body adapt to the stress you're putting it under. Running, for example, causes your body to burn carbohydrates and fats to produce energy, which can help with losing body fat. When you're looking to build bigger muscles, lifting weights helps the muscle fibers contract and tear, which requires protein to repair and build them back up bigger and stronger. If your goal is just to achieve a healthier body by removing excess fat and improving your functional fitness and flexibility, adding variety to your workouts can still help you achieve your goals.

To sum up, variation is key to anyone looking to push their body to the next level and keep the gym fun to stop you from getting bored and quitting. It's important to keep your body guessing by changing up your exercises, reps, sets, and rest time. If you're struggling to come up with new exercises or routines, consider speaking to a personal trainer in Letchworth who can help you create a personalised plan to achieve your fitness goals. Remember, consistency is key when looking to make a lifestyle change and keep progressing in the gym.