
When to foam roll

When it comes to personal training, the use of foam rollers or 'self myofacial release' has become increasingly popular in recent years. These rollers are designed to help release tight muscles and knots, with common rolling points including calves, IT Band, quads, and lats. But when is the best time to use them – before or after your workout? The opinions are divided.

Some experts, such as Dr Mike Clark of the National Academy of Sports and Medicine, believe that foam rolling before exercising can help prevent injuries. By decreasing muscle density and promoting a better warm-up, it can prepare the body for the physical activity to come. This is especially important if you have muscle imbalances, as stretching alone may not be enough to address the problem.

However, others argue that pre-workout foam rolling can actually hinder your workout by turning on your parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for helping you unwind and recover. According to Kelly Starrett, founder of mobilitywod.com, a pre-workout rolling session may be counterproductive as it can divert blood away from the areas that need it most.

Dr John Rusin takes a middle ground, suggesting that foam rolling is best performed after workouts as a recovery tool. He does agree, however, that it can be useful before a workout if there is a notable mobility dysfunction present.

So what is the conclusion? Ultimately, there is no universal agreement on when to roll, how often to roll, or how long to roll, but generally, techniques are used both before and after a workout. If one is limited with time, pre-workout rolling may be the better option as it can have a great impact on the quality of each training session. Rolling after a workout may help muscles recover from strenuous exercise.

It is important to note that if you have no recognised muscle imbalances or overactive muscles, foam rolling may not be necessary. As long as you have completed a proper warm-up prior to your workout, you should be ready to go.

If foam rolling is something you are already doing or intend on doing, it is essential to research why, when, and how before you start. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, so it is crucial to have your own opinion and approach based on your personal circumstances.

In Letchworth, personal training sessions often include the use of foam rollers as a way to help clients release tight muscles and knots. As with any exercise technique, it is important to work with a qualified personal trainer who can guide you on the best approach for your individual needs and goals. Whether you choose to roll before or after your workout, the key is to listen to your body and adjust accordingly.